LIVE BLOG: Tuesdays@FUTURE: Strengthening the Creative Industries and Technology in NEO
The Golden Ground Rule: We will behave toward one another in ways that build trust and respect.
Europe has invested in creative industry models such as The Irish Creative Design Community and the The Creative Scotland Awards. How can we elevate, connect and strengthen our regional assets in the creative industries?
David Moss: There needs to be a higher level of awareness about what is here in NEO; to refine the story.
Creating high value for media and creative industries. There is a strong need to establish and strengthen a network for infrastructure to support new forms of media and design.
FUTURE Advanced Partnerships program; will rely on networking and canvasing of the appropriate partnerships between industry and student talent.
CIA faculty seek to set up relationships for working partnerships.
What can be done together to strengthen the creative industries and technology initiatives for the future? What kind of conversations can be shaped? Here are some suggestions:
1) FUTURE Design Summit
2) Dan Cufaro: Design District
3) Michael DeAloia: Gaming Center
4) Innovation Awards/NorTech can a tandem exhibition be created and hosted at FUTURE Center?
5) Region wide initiative to create conceptual renderings
6) RTA Corridor - clear messaging ; via portable device?
7) Summit Spring 07: Regional collaboration for PhD studies
The Strategic Technology Alliance (STA) is a 26 nonprofit member organization; there is a need to further collaborative abilities to strengthen networks and next steps. What are some easy/low hanging fruit/projects? How can we leverage OneCommunity fiber? There is the need to innovate in all organizations.
When people begin to behave differently, eventually new activities will result.
What can happen when activities are worked together, aligned and move forward on projects?
Here are some updates on Ideation/Visual mapping software available:
Inspiration software
How can we get this content and new conversations out across the region in a speedy way? Can we contact and send content on mulitple formats, such as: Adlephia; iPod; Internet; Web casting
Recommended: See the Viktor Schreckengost: Exhibit at the Cleveland Institute of Art here.